Description: <div class="js-view description-rich-text break-word overflow-auto" data-dojo-attach-point="description">The GIS data shows the water supply points in South Waikato District. The data will be updated weekly.</div>
Copyright Text: South Waikato District Council does not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of information and does not accept responsibility for any loss or damage incurred by a user in reliance on the information. SWDC will not be liable or responsible on any basis (including neligence) for any expense, loss, damages arising in connection with your use of the information provided by the map. Information from this map may not be used for the purposes of any legal disputes.
Description: The GIS data shows the water supply points in South Waikato District. The data will be updated weekly.
Copyright Text: South Waikato District Council does not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of information and does not accept responsibility for any loss or damage incurred by a user in reliance on the information. SWDC will not be liable or responsible on any basis (including neligence) for any expense, loss, damages arising in connection with your use of the information provided by the map. Information from this map may not be used for the purposes of any legal disputes.