
ISO-19139 Metadata

Resource Identification Information:

Title:  AD_Address_Brussels_Belgium_AD_demo

Reference date - publication:  2021-07-06

Unique resource identifier:
Value: publication

Abstract:  This is a demonstration layer implementing streamlined INSPIRE data according to the INSPIRE rules for Alternative Encoding. It is provided as a courtesy and should not be used for any purpose other than demonstration.ArcGIS INSPIRE Open Data is a lightweight solution for European public sector organizations implementing the INSPIRE and PSI-2/Open Data Directives. See the Getting to know ArcGIS INSPIRE Open Data story map to learn more.ArcGIS INSPIRE Open Data on GitHub hosts file Geodatabase (GDB) templates and Alternative Encoding documentation per the Implementing Rules on interoperability of spatial data sets and services (Commission Regulation (EU) No 1089/2010). These resources are provided as-is and are freely available.

Purpose: "Address" of Brussels_Belgium (streamlined INSPIRE AD demonstration data)

Dataset language:
Dataset character set:  utf8

Resource constraints:
Limitations of use: FOR DEMONSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY. Please refer to the Credits (Attribution) to access original source data.

Resource constraints:
Legal constraints:
Access constraints:  otherRestrictions

Other constraints: Other Constraints

Resource constraints:
Legal constraints:
Use constraints:  otherRestrictions

Other constraints: Other Constraints

Resource constraints:
Legal constraints:
Access constraints:  otherRestrictions

Other constraints: Other Constraints

Resource constraints:
Legal constraints:
Use constraints:  otherRestrictions

Other constraints: Other Constraints

Spatial representation type:  vector

Geographic element - Bounding rectangle:
West longitude: -23.7634
East longitude: 49.3616
North latitude: 71.3395
South latitude: 30.8551
Credits: This demonstration uses source data from: CIRB / CIBG ( Original Dataset Identifier: 260abd6f-c5b4-4a79-aa80-d6c265002d65; processed by con terra (; Esri (

Point of contact - pointOfContact:
Organization's name: Esri

Contact information:

Reference System Information:

Reference system identifier:
Value: WGS84

Data Quality Information:

Scope of quality information:
Level of the data:dataset

Lineage statement: Source data transformed and loaded into streamlined INSPIRE GDB templates. fGDB layers are shared from ArcGIS Pro to ArcGIS Online as web services (GeoService REST).

Data quality report - Domain consistency:
Conformance test results:
Test passed: true
Meaning of the result: Implementing Rules on interoperability of spatial data sets and services (Commission Regulation (EU) No 1089/2010): Article 7 -- Encoding | Every encoding rule used to encode spatial data shall conform to EN ISO 19118. In particular, it shall specify schema conversion rules for all spatial object types and all attributes and association roles and the output data structure used. Every encoding rule used to encode spatial data shall be made available. Data herein use Streamlined INSPIRE Esri GDB Alternative Encoding; every encoding rule used is available at

Description of conformance requirements:
Title:  COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 1089/2010 of 23 November 2010 implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards interoperability of spatial data sets and services

Reference date - publication:  2010-12-08

Metadata Information:

Metadata language:  eng
Metadata character set:  utf8

Last update:  2021-07-06

Metadata contact - pointOfContact:
Organization's name: Esri

Contact information:
Scope of the data described by the metadata:  dataset
Scope name: dataset

Name of the metadata standard used: ISO 19139 Geographic Information - Metadata - Implementation Specification
Version of the metadata standard: 2007

Metadata identifier: 961d987dcad0403a82922625bf701bfb